Access to Health and Wellbeing

About the KCMC Access to Health and Wellbeing Workgroup

The KCMC Access to Health and Wellbeing Workgroup's mission is to improve access to healthcare via transportation resources and services for residents in King County. We achieve this mission through education, coordination, and advocacy to address transportation gaps and barriers in accessing healthcare.


  1. Foster dialogue with healthcare professionals and transportation providers.
  2. Create localized transportation resources for medical facilities to educate staff and patients on transportation options.
  3. Explore opportunities to improve medical transportation by coordinating and expanding existing networks.


The Access to Health and Wellbeing Workgroup is building off of the work of the previous Access to Healthcare Committee. Past projects and resources include:
  • Supporting the Care Mobility Rewards Program.
  • Ensuring healthcare perspectives are included in the RARET COVID-19 After Action Report.
  • Supporting situational awareness during the pandemic around transportation services.
  • Enhancing Committee engagement with diverse membership.
  • Continue harnessing One-Call One-Click buy-in using a healthcare perspective.
The Committee previously worked on numerous projects, like the KCMC's Inclusive Planning efforts and co-authoring many healthcare-related reports.

View past projects using date filters to find previous deliverables on the Access to Healthcare Resources page.


Beginning in February each year, the Committee meets every other month on the first Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. All meetings are being held virtually. Additional events or meetings are scheduled as needed. 

Upcoming Access to Healthcare Meetings  View all area events >   Submit an event >

Join Today

The Access to Work and School Committee is always looking for new partners who share our passion for improving mobility and access to transportation across King County. To learn about the Committee, call our Program Supervisor, Dina Atieh at (425)620-5438, or email , or click here to join the KCMC Mailing list .

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